Sense Platform

Sense is an intelligent semantic knowledge base. It uses Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to harness semantic information and sentiments from free text sources.

A One-Stop, All-Encompassing Solution

Sense algorithms read plain text and automatically identify the word clusters that are semantically related, creating extensive knowledge interfaces to support various domains. The platform also provides the feature of uploading external data dumps in any format while having its own extensive capability of data extraction.

Elevating to the next level, we are now in the process of building and enhancing ontologies with automated data mining, which enables us a lot more leverage in semantic processing and analysis.

Intelligent Semantic Knowledge

The heart of the Sense Platform is the Information Extraction Engine built by CodeGen R&D. It can analyse text and image to derive the knowledge which will be used for revenue management, providing smart information for users, better analytics to the travel vendors, personalisation, and better search results, among many other uses.

High Tech Uses Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Machine Learning and Deep Learning to harness semantics and sentiments.

Compact & CompleteExtracted data from discrete sources, pre-processes, stores, and semantically analyses data in a big-data-ready cluster.

Multi-DomainThe sense knowledge base is pipelined to domain-specific instances which enable many interfaces supporting various domains.

It’s all here
Its powerful natural language-based query capability will allow you to know what you need to know when you need to know.